Lunch N' Learn is a career exploration program that was established by Mrs. Zimmon in the Fall of 2014. The program has been designed with the intention of having guest speakers come in during all lunches a few times a month to talk about their career. Mrs. Zimmon announces upcoming Lunch N' Learn sessions and "advertises" the careers to all students with an open invitation for them to attend any session that they are interested in. Students are instructed to grab their lunch, sign-out in the cafeteria, and go to the Chorus room to listen to the guest speaker. Guest speakers are encouraged to share the path they took to pursue their career. In addition, I encourage them to highlight how they use skills such as reading, writing, math, etc. in their particular field. At the end of each session, we allow for Questions and Answers. Presentations last about 15-20 minutes and are repeated for each of the 3 grades. Positive feedback about this program from students, staff, and guest speakers has been overwhelming! This program would not be possible without networking and reaching out to various fields in the community for volunteer guest speakers. If you or someone you know would be interested in talking to our students, please contact Mrs. Zimmon!